I live... AGAIN...
I live... AGAIN...
i always get that quote and "RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE" from Altered Beast mixed up.
Reminds me of Robo-Fish from TimeSplitters. :)
It's a shame that I never played TimeSplitters. Never owned any console except of chinese NES bootleg. Guess, I should look for a PS2 emulator ;)
This series has been awesome so far... I can't wait to see more!
I like the art. The show itself, however, not so much.
I can understand why. I don't really agree with all his ideas, but I've been watching for a long time. Its a love hate relationship, same with game grumps. I don't think they are the smartest individuals but they make me laugh too much.
So YOU'RE the guy who made all the smileys that have been floating around the internet! :)
Some of them, at least. My smilies have been spread around for so many years that the original source is unknown to most people. Still, it's nice to know I've contributed to the World Wide Web in my own small way. :)
Stuck in 2006.
Joined on 1/28/19