A bit crosseyed but nice nonetheless.
A bit crosseyed but nice nonetheless.
I honestly didn't notice the eyes the first time. Thanks
It was a fun drawing to make. I got a sketch book and colored pens recently, so hopefully I can upload some nice content sometime soon. I'm just really rusty at art, so I haven't been too pleased with what I have drawn.
How dare you. Lol
I drew this monstrocity in 2017 and I thought it was good and funny, but now I realise that this art is a real cursed image.
Noice. :)
Good. :)
an old school shooter like Doom or Quake ya know
Awesome! I can hardly wait for the next part to come out!
Thanks! Chapter 2 is currently updating every sunday, you can check out what I've uploaded so far in any of the links in the description. I'll post the whole thing in a single image (like I did with chapter 1) once it's complete.
Captchas suck!
Is that the dog from Toy Story? Lol
I didn't model this guy on any dog in particular, but I'm glad he has a famous likeness! Toy Story is a cool franchise.
Cool. :)
Ah, thank you! 😊 I was surprised I could still draw passable Sonic characters after all these years.
Stuck in 2006.
Joined on 1/28/19