Very cool and nostalgia inducing project! Was this recorded in the 90's / Early 2000's? :)
Very cool and nostalgia inducing project! Was this recorded in the 90's / Early 2000's? :)
Thanks... I use an old school animator (Crazytalk) I am a big film nerd and often aim for the cheesy themes and dialogues. This one is about ten years old but my animation style is consistent with this with just a few tweaks as time goes on. I have a big crew of awesome friends who help make my projects, their talents make the real difference.
egg 2 (3D)
Looking good! :)
Thank you! :D
Nice work! Some real early 2000's NG vibes right there.
Story of your life? lol
Ha ha sort of. I met her online and married in Canada :)
Overrated nonsense.
Nice job! Getting some lovely early 2000's vibes from this. This is the first good Newgrounds animation I've seen in a looong time.
Thanks so much!
It's about time a new Skitzo short got put out there! Welcome back!
Thanks! More on the way
This is not an animation.
I never seen such bullshit comment before
Stuck in 2006.
Joined on 1/28/19