I can tell there was a lot of effort put into making this... It's awesome! Keep the good work up! :)
I can tell there was a lot of effort put into making this... It's awesome! Keep the good work up! :)
Very good work. :)
While I do like that the game is finally getting some recognition, the voice acting for Death Adder is extremely unfitting and Cream is WAY too smug which makes her look like a piece of shit + her actor sounds way too old.
Sounds like something outta Crash Bandicoot. :)
Anti parent propaganda? Really?
If people would stop using their fucking phones for things other than calling when walking on the street, they wouldn't need to deal with this shit. But alas.
Millennial's are pieces of shit. Everyone who says "Ok, Boomer" is a fucking moron and should have their right to live revoked.
The humor is shit and the art-style is very SJW-ish. Also, seriously? Sans? That automatically ruined any and all potential that this video had.
Very good work!
Absolutely hilarious.
Thank you!!
Stuck in 2006.
Joined on 1/28/19