Really unenjoyable and somewhat gross, to be brutally honest with you. Not my cup of tea. The animation itself, however, was very nice and very smooth. You could go on to do great things, my friend.
Really unenjoyable and somewhat gross, to be brutally honest with you. Not my cup of tea. The animation itself, however, was very nice and very smooth. You could go on to do great things, my friend.
Fun! Can't wait to see more of these two kitty cats.
The joke wasn't funny in the slightest and the Polish song at the end is cringey as hell. All in all, this video was a complete and utter mess that relied on a Christmas cracker joke and a stupid meme to even get made. EDIT: There ya go, kiddo.
thank you so much! i love you <3
Wow. What a blast from the past.
Eww, memes.
Awesome! What a blast from the past.
Why'd you have to go and make a terrible video like this when the rest of your content is awesome? :/
Stuck in 2006.
Joined on 1/28/19